Hi Everyone,  

Have you ever received a prophecy, or perhaps God has given you a word or a vision? Didn’t it seem exciting at the time? And perhaps you began planning how this was all going to happen or what you would do when it did, but then suddenly, everything goes a little crazy, and it all seems impossible. You start to think it could never happen; everything is against it.

That’s what happened to Paul when he was going to Rome. Read Acts 27.

They leave Caesarea, and it all seemed fine, God had told him that he would stand trial before Caesar in Rome, but then the storm hits!

It started with the strong winds, which threw the ship off course. (vs 4) It continued to get worse, so that they began throwing the cargo out. Now their lives were in danger, and it looked like getting to Rome was now impossible. They had seen no sun or stars for many days, but then an angel of God reminded Paul that he would get to Rome and stand trial before Caesar just as God had said. So if God says so, then it is. No matter what happens, He does not change His mind. (Malachi 3:6).

Paul says to the men on the ships, “So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as He said. But we will be shipwrecked on an island.” (Vs 25-26)

So yes, Paul eventually got to Rome just as God had said, but he went through a storm, a shipwreck and a snake bite which was another test. Was he going to die from a snake bite now? No, because God said he was getting to Rome! (Acts 28:3-6)

In fact, he even ministers to others while on the way. (Acts 28:8-10) The whole time he had to keep his courage up and keep believing. I heard this quote a while back which I’ve never forgotten.

“Courage is not just strength to keep standing, but to keep standing when you have no strength.” (D Grieve)

Maybe you’re in that situation now. Perhaps God has given you a word or vision, but now a storm has come and thrown you off course, and now it all seems impossible. Abraham was promised a Son, and it all seemed impossible, especially as the years passed, 25 years, it became more and more impossible, and he had to hold on tight to God’s promise. (Romans 4:18-21)

Perhaps it’s caused you to throw all the cargo out! Maybe that was necessary, God has a way of getting rid of all our unnecessary baggage, even though it may be uncomfortable at the time.

And maybe you’ve seen no sun or stars for a while, nothing to light the way, and maybe you’ve even been ministering to others while all this has been happening, just like Paul.

If so, don’t lose courage. Hold on to what God has said; you will get to Rome!

Hebrews 10:23 says, “God can be trusted to keep His promise.”

So what do we do between Caesarea and Rome?

  • We keep that word before our eyes, write it down and keep reminding ourselves of what God has said.
  • Give Him thanks for it. Praise Him, knowing that it will come to pass. Stay strong and courageous because no matter what storm the enemy may throw us in, it will not stop us from fulfilling our call and destiny if we do not give up!

Scriptures – Acts 27, Acts 28:3-6, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Hebrews 10:23, Numbers 13+14, Romans 4:18-21.

God bless you all, and have a great week.  

Love Giovanna!