Hi Everyone,

Recently while reading my bible, this scripture, which I’d read many times, really got me thinking.

In Matthew 8:8 the centurion says to Jesus, “But just say the WORD and my servant will be healed…”

In vs. 13 Jesus responds with “Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.”

I began thinking, ‘What can I believe God for?’

'Am I limiting God with my unbelief?’

'Do I see my problem as bigger than my God?'

In Numbers 14:11, God says to Moses. “How long will these people treat ME disrespectfully and reject ME? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the miraculous signs which I have performed among them?”

God had done so many miracles among the Israelites. Parting the Red Sea alone should have been enough for them to never doubt God, but they did.

I would never do that, you may be thinking, but we do. I’m sure every one of us has seen the hand of God do something amazing in our lives, yet when we are faced with another problem we tend to forget and start getting worried and fretful!

It’s silly you may think, but we all do it!

In Romans 4:18-21 we are told that Abraham believed God even though in the natural his situation seemed impossible. He wasn’t looking at his body but at his God!

Sometimes we make our problem a monster and our God so small, we get ourselves all stressed and anxious instead of just believing what the Word of God says. Whatever His Word says in His promise to us and we can trust it! Yes, I know it’s not that easy at times but perhaps we can be more aware and trusting of our God and when a situation arises rather than stress and worry, why don’t we make an effort to look up in His Word and see what God says about it and then stand firm believing that Word.

  • So what do I believe Jesus by His death and resurrection, has done for me?
  • What can I believe for?
  • Is my problem bigger than my God? Bigger than His promise? “When He went into the house, the blind men came up to Him, ‘Yes, LORD.’ (Matt 9:28)

“All God asks for is that simplicity of faith which will take Him at His Word.”  (J. Salter)

More Scriptures – Hebrews 10:23, Mark 9:23-24, Psalm 27:13, 2 Timothy 1:12, Matthew 21:22, John 1:12, 50, Psalm 106:24, Mark 11:24, Acts 13:39, 2 Corinthians 20:20 etc.

God Bless you all, and have a great week!

Love Giovanna!