Hi Everyone,

Did you know that GOD is still a GOD of miracles? Yes, today! He didn’t stop at the Old Testament or the Gospels or the book of Acts, HE’s still the same! He never changes, HE has no limitations, no time zones, and no expiry date! He is still the Great I AM!

Revelations 1:8 says “I AM the ALPHA and the OMEGA – the beginning and the end,’ says the LORD GOD.‘ I AM the ONE WHO is, WHO always was, and WHO is still to come – The ALMIGHTY ONE.’”

Ha, Ha, isn’t it good to know in this ever-changing world?

In Psalm 135:9 it says, “HE performed miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt.”

Wow! In Egypt, right in the middle of that slavery, that persecution, that sickness, that financial problem, that impossible situation, whatever it is for you – HE can perform a miracle! In fact the more impossible it is the bigger the miracle!

Matthew 19:26 tells us that everything is possible with GOD. Isn’t that encouraging? We don’t need to wait ‘til things get better, for the right day, season etc. no, no, right in the middle of it GOD moves – that’s where HE works best!

I believe we are entering a time where we are going to see more and more signs and wonders. Right here and now, in the midst of all the chaos and darkness that’s going on in the world, we will see the miraculous hand of GOD at work.

In Genesis 1:2 – when the earth was in darkness, HE created… In the Gospels, JESUS did the miraculous in a time of sin and unbelief... In Acts, we see signs and wonders in a time of persecution! So whatever you may be going through, believe for the impossible! Expect the unexpected! OUR GOD is about to show the world that HE is still alive and well! The ONE and only glorious, powerful, unlimited, unchanging, eternal Majestic GOD!

Here are some faith-building scriptures. Take hold of them today by faith.

Ex 14:15-25, Joshua 6:1-20, 1 Samuel 17:45-51, 2 Chronicles 20:1-23, Mark 5:24-43, Acts 12:7-9, 16:24-28, Daniel 3:16-27 & 6:10-23, Ephesians 3:20, Hebrews 10:23 

God Bless You All!

Love Giovanna