Hi Everyone,

Have you ever prayed for someone or for yourself to be healed and got better but not completely healed and the enemy has tried to convince you that it's better than nothing? Or have you prayed for the salvation of your family and perhaps the only one gets saved so you stop praying, the thinking that it's better than nothing?


Well, don't allow the enemy to cheat you! That's what happened in Exodus 10:1-29. Have a read of it. In vs 8-11 Pharoah tries to bargain with Moses. When Moses tells him that all of them are leaving Egypt "...'We will all go - young and old, our sons and daughters, and our flocks and herds.'" (Vs. 9)

Pharaoh responds with "Never! Only men may go..."

Next came the plague of darkness and again Pharoah tries to get Moses to compromise. But Moses responds with, "All of our livestock must go with us too, not one hoof can be left behind." (vs 26)

This is such a picture of what the enemy, (The devil) tries to do to us! Don't allow him to compromise with you!


God is still God and always will be! He is still all-powerful, Sovereign and never changing!


His word, His promises still stand and will never change! (Matt 24:35)

So why should we give up and allow this Pharoah to cheat us believing that halfway is good enough?

Read Mark 8:22-25. The blind man at Bethsaida. Imagine if Jesus would have said to the blind man "Oh well, if you can see people like trees that's better than being completely blind!"

No! He finished what He started! And He'll do the same for you and me, if we don't allow the lies of the devil to compromise with us and cause us to give up halfway! (Phil 1:6) So let's persevere and never give up in praying for our families, and spouse, children, grandchildren, parents etc. It's never too late and no one is ever too far gone for God to reach them!

And declare in Phroahs's face... "Not one hoof is being left behind, we are taking all of our family into the kingdom of God with us!"


God bless you all and have a great week!


Love Giovanna!