Hi Everyone,

Did you know that sharing your testimony, whether about a healing, deliverance, provision or your salvation, could be just what someone needs to hear to turn their lives around?
Psalm 66:5+16 says

“Come and see what God has done, how awesome HIS works on man’s behalf!... Come and listen… let me tell you what He has done for me.”

People need to hear and know that God’s power is still available for them today and that what He has done in the past has not changed! He is still the Saviour, the Healer, the Provider and Protector etc!

Let me share with you just one of the many, many wonderful testimonies I have experienced both in my life, in my family and friends!

When my daughter was 22 months she had her first attack of asthma, it was a very frightening experience for both her and for me, who had to sit her on my lap trying to comfort her while she wore this huge plastic mask over her chubby little face. After many trips to the Children’s Hospital and many tests, no solution could be found, so as she got older and went to school she would carry a puffer in her pocket.

One night as we were having a prayer time as a church after a few days of fasting and prayer for several issues, but not for her asthma, I guess we’d all got used to it and forgot.

My young daughter who was about 12 years old by then was sitting next to me on the floor praying and listening to all that was being said.

When we were almost at the end of our prayer meeting someone asked her ‘would you like us to pray for you also?’ ‘yes’ she answered but didn’t say for anything specifically, so we all laid hands on her and began to pray. Well, let me tell you the short version, she was healed!

She has never had another asthma attack since! Not only was she healed but she began to play the keyboard at church and had never had a lesson!

She is now in her 40’s and has never had another asthma attack and is still playing keyboard at church and never had a lesson! Wow!

Don’t try to tell me that miracles and healings have passed away, no matter how you try to reason it out, I’ve seen too much of God’s mighty power!

As I shared this testimony while preaching a few years ago, many were touched and came forward for prayer. I don’t know how many were healed, but what I do know is that about 3 months later a woman, a well-respected lawyer came up to me and said she had been healed of asthma. Then a week later someone else said they’d been healed of severe hay fever and a few months later a young woman and her husband told me that they were expecting their first baby in 3 months and that God had healed her, as they had not been able to conceive after trying for 7 years! Wow The power of a testimony!

All praise and glory to God! He is so very loving, caring and wants to be part of our lives! That’s why Jesus came and was sacrificed as the Lamb of God to restore our relationship! 

So yes God’s power is still available today, it did not stop with the apostles in Acts, because He is the same, His WORD has not changed and it never will! (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Numbers 23:19-20)

In John 4:29 the woman that Jesus had been speaking to ran back to the town saying “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” then in vs 39 it says ”many of the Samaritans from that town believed in HIM because of the woman’s testimony.” Read John 4:28-30 +39-42.

Someone out there could just be waiting to hear your testimony. It might be just what they need to give them hope, healing and salvation! So speak up! Go tell someone what wonderful things He has done for you!

More scriptures: Psalm 22:30-31, 71:15-18, 73:28, 75:9+1, Psalm 78:4-7, 96:3, 89:1-2, 105:1+27, 119:46, Luke 9:12, John 14:12 + 20:21, Mark 16:15-20, Matthew 28:19-20, 10:1+7-8, Mark 6:12-13+7, Isaiah 50:4, Acts 4:4 + 20, 5:12-16 + 42, Acts 1:8, 8:4-8, 10:42-43, 11:21, 13:49, 14:3 + 21, Acts 18:5 etc.

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of Your mighty acts… They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds… They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of Your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendour of Your kingdom!!” (Psalm 145:6+11-12)

God bless you all and have a great week!

Love Giovanna!